November: The olive harvest
November is traditionally the month of the olive harvest, even though some producers start picking in October. We generally start mid November, this year even a bit later, on 20th: The longer you leave the olives on the tree, the milder gets the oil. We use our oil more pure, for salads and on roasted bread, and not mainly for cooking and frying. Therefore we love the mild delicate taste and give them a bit more time. Autumn was hot and dry which is promising a great quality for the oil.
Olive oil is one of the main products of Tuscany. In the area where our country estate is located, it has traditionally been the main product, and every family has some trees to make their own oil. There was a time when there were 7 olive presses in the village. Now ist just one, run by the „cooperativa“, a non profit organisation founded in 1967 by the local community.
Olives in November, just ready for harvesting
Experiencing the olive harvest in Tuscany and visiting the olive presses can be an unforgettable experience and a great way to discover the local culture and tradition. There are also many festivals dedicated to olive oil in the region and our pick this year ist the street food festival in Acquaviva near Montepulciano:
„Festa del cibo di strada“ on 17th November
a culinary fair dedicated to street and fast food, which often represents the most authentic, genuine and simple dishes of our local traditions and recipes.
Back home with a bottle of fresh pressed oil, there is no better way to honor that handmade natural product than to prepare some great bruschette! Just toast some ciabatta bread in the fireplace or oven and put a few drops of olive oil, fresh pepper and salt: nothing can beat that!
Alfie Browns
Fresh pressed and unfiltered Olive Oil